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  • The British Museum, London

  • British sculptor Antony Gormley centre of London exhibition

    London, Sep 17 (EFE-EPA), (Camera: Andy Rain).- The human body and its relationship with the surrounding space is the focus of an exhibition of works by British sculptor Antony Gormley.
    The enormous dimensions and structural complexity of the works presented Tuesday at the Royal Academy of London invite visitors to interact and use all their senses to appreciate the different forms, organic, industrial elements and textures of his works.

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  • British police investigate after bombs found in London airports

    London (UK), Mar 5 (EFE/EPA).- (Camera: Andy Rain). Three small explosive packages were sent to London airports and Britain's busiest train station on Tuesday, police in the United Kingdom said.
    Keywords: efe,epa,uk,london,bomb

    Ver video "British police investigate after bombs found in London airports"

  • British Air Fire Injures London Bound Passengers At Las Vegas Aiport

    Ver video "British Air Fire Injures London Bound Passengers At Las Vegas Aiport"

  • London Riots Force British Tourism To Update Their Commercial Like This? - Parody

    New commercial for British Tourism shows footage of the London riots?

    Produced/Edited by Ben Churchill

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  • Manifestaciones en Londres ante la embajada de EEUU

    Manifestaciones en Londres la ante embajada de EEUU. Se mantienen las protestas en el Reino Unido. Londres ha sido escenario de una concurrida manifestación alrededor de la embajada estadounidense clamando contra el racismo.View on euronews

    Ver video "Manifestaciones en Londres ante la embajada de EEUU"

  • Brexit día 1: Liberación o tragedia

    ¿Qué va pasar ahora? Es lo que se plantea este 1 de febrero la prensa británica. View on euronews

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  • Riesgos de la vuelta al trabajo en Londres

    Riesgos de la vuelta al trabajo en Londres. En el Reino Unido, volver al trabajo significa viajar, a menudo en tren, metro y autobús. El gobierno aconseja una distancia interpersonal de 2 metros y el uso de mascarillas, aunque no es obligatorio.View on euronews

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  • Los ladrones del computador de Lindsay Lohan se hacen pasar por ella

    Lindsay Lohan es víctima de una extorsión luego que su computador fue robado en China y los ladrones se tomaron su cuenta de Twitter.

    Ver video "Los ladrones del computador de Lindsay Lohan se hacen pasar por ella"

  • Nicole Kidman no fue informada ni invitada a la boda de su hija Isabella.

    Según se informa la hija de Nicole Kidman se caso, fue una boda secreta de Cienciologia a la que atendio Tom Cruise, ella ni siquiera lo sabia.

    Ver video "Nicole Kidman no fue informada ni invitada a la boda de su hija Isabella."

  • El coronavirus condena al pago 'en efectivo' en los negocios británicos

    Los comerciantes tratan de reducir al mínimo la posibilidad de que se propague el virus. Una de las medidas que han adoptado es la prohibición del uso de dinero en efectivo. Abogan por el pago con tarjetas de débito o crédito.View on euronews

    Ver video "El coronavirus condena al pago 'en efectivo' en los negocios británicos"

  • Príncipe William rinde homenaje a Nelson Mandela luego del lanzamiento junto a la Duquesa Kate

    El Príncipe William describe a Nelson Mandela como "un hombre extraordinario y una inspiración" al asistir al lanzamiento de Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom con su esposa Kate.

    Ver video "Príncipe William rinde homenaje a Nelson Mandela luego del lanzamiento junto a la Duquesa Kate"

  • Dolly Parton defiende a su ahijada Miley Cyrus

    Dolly Parton acredita a su ahijada Miley Cyrus por sus habilidades como cantante y escritora revelando que no es fácil ser joven.

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  • yamakasi

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  • May says UK not afraid of terrorism

    London, Mar 23 (EFE), (Camera: EPA London).- British Prime Minister Theresa May said Thursday that the person who perpetrated Wednesday's attack in London was a British national, known to the security services and with former links to extreme violence.

    SHOTLIST: FOOTAGE COURTESY OF PARLIAMENTLIVE.TV OF THE PM'S SPEECH Keywords: efe,epa,uk,attack,london,westminster

    Ver video "May says UK not afraid of terrorism"

  • London's secret corners to avoid touristy spots

    London, Jul 26 (EFE).- Aside from the usual monuments in the British capital are many hidden corners waiting to be discovered.

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  • HSBC to pay 1 9 billion dollar settlement in US money laundering case

    London, Dec (EFE).- British bank HSBC will pay the U.S. government 1.9 billion dollars to close a four year money laundering investigation

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  • British Museum previews Munch's haunting "The Scream" ahead of UK show

    London, Mar 20 (EFE/EEPA) - (Camera: Andy Rain). The British Museum in the London on Wednesday previewed an Edvard Munch lithograph print of his iconic "The Scream" series as preparations were underway for a major exhibition of the Norwegian artist's work in the United Kingdom.

    Ver video "British Museum previews Munch's haunting "The Scream" ahead of UK show"

  • Kate at hospital to give birth to third in line to the throne

    London, Jul 22, (EFE).- The Duchess of Cambridge is expected to give birth to her first child on Monday. The wife of Prince William was admitted this morning into St. Mary's Hospital in London, where the third in line to the British throne will be born.

    EFE TV - MADRID - 11:15 GMT

    Keywords: efe-uk-london-royal-birth-kate-duchess-cambridge-prince william

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  • Amy Winehouse posthumous album released

    London/Madrid, 7 Dec (EFE).- The much-awaited album 'Lioness: Hidden Treasures', made up of new songs by British singer Amy Winehouse, went on sale on Monday, five months after British singer's dramatic and premature death when she was just 27 years old.

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  • London double-decker bus crashes into building

    A double-decker bus crashed into a building in south London on Thursday (August 10), British police said, injuring a number of people and trapping two passengers inside.

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  • May's Brexit deal faces difficulties in Parliament

    London, May 22 (EFE).- British Prime Minister Theresa May faces difficulties to pass her Brexit deal in Parliament despite the new meassures set forth in the agreement.

    Ver video "May's Brexit deal faces difficulties in Parliament"

  • Gibraltar releases Iran supertanker that US sought

    Gibraltar allows a detained Iranian supertanker to leave the British overseas territory after a last-minute U.S. attempt to seize the vessel, potentially defusing tensions between London and Tehran.

    Ver video "Gibraltar releases Iran supertanker that US sought"

  • Tate Britain show explores lasting impact of UK culture on Van Gogh

    London, Mar 25 (EFE/EPA).- (Camera: Andy Rain).- An exhibition that explores Vincent van Gogh's relationship with British culture, his influences and how he later left his stamp on emerging artists of the time previewed at Tate Britain Monday, the gallery's director told EFE Monday.

    Ver video "Tate Britain show explores lasting impact of UK culture on Van Gogh"

  • Police Arrest 3 More After Footage Of London Attack Appears

    British police have confirmed that they arrested three more suspects from the deadly attacks at the London Bridge on Saturday after footage of the moment the officers shot and killed the assailants appeared online.

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  • Kids Among Dead In Suspected Suicide Bomb In Manchester, UK

    Manchester, England (CNN)At least 22 people, including children, have been killed in a bombing at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, in the deadliest attack on British soil since the 2005 London bombings.

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  • Duke, Duchess of Cambridge expecting their second child

    London, Sep 8 (EFE).- The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, William and Catherine, are expecting their second child, Britain's royal family has announced. The baby would be fourth in the line of succession to the British throne.

    Keywords: efe,monarchy,great britain,prince william,kate middleton,baby,nomonetizar.

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  • Berjaya Eden Park Hotel

    The 3 star Berjaya Eden Park Hotel is a cosy and central hotel in London which offers true British hospitality. Located in the heart of Bayswater, this is an ideally situated establishment from which to explore the capital of the UK.

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  • London Street Battles: Video of mad clashes, riots out of control

    Violence and looting raged across London and spread to three other major British cities, as authorities struggled to contain the country's most serious unrest since race riots set the capital ablaze in the 1980s. In London, a third straight night of disorder saw buildings, vehicles and rubbish dumps set alight, stores looted and police officers pelted with bottles and fireworks, as groups of young people rampaged through neighbourhoods.

    Ver video "London Street Battles: Video of mad clashes, riots out of control"

  • UK police name 2 Russians as suspects in Skripal poisoning attacks

    London, Sep 5 (EFE). Two Russian nationals have been named on Wednesday as suspects in the poisoning of a former spy and his daughter, police in the United Kingdom said.  
    Keywords: efe,uk,russia,salisbury,skripal,nomonetizar

    Ver video "UK police name 2 Russians as suspects in Skripal poisoning attacks"

  • Traveling the world in a restored Spitfire

    London, Jul 25 (EFE).- When pilots Steve Brooks and Matt Jones bought a 1943 Silver Spitfire 10 years ago, they decided they would pay homage in some way to the iconic design and unique engineering of the British aircraft, a symbol of the allies during World War II.

    Ver video "Traveling the world in a restored Spitfire"

  • Detienen a implicado en el asesinato del soldado británico / Arrested murder of soldier

    Detienen a implicado en el asesinato del soldado británico / Arrested involved in the murder of British soldier
    28 Mayo 2013

    Policía de Londres detiene a un sujeto de 50 años relacionado con el asesinato del soldado británico Larry ocurrido la semana pasada en plena calle.

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    Ver video "Detienen a implicado en el asesinato del soldado británico / Arrested murder of soldier"

  • All Take No Give UKUS post 911 extradition injustice

    British MPs are staging a debate seeking the urgent renegotiation of what they see as a biased extradition treaty with the US. Agreed in the chaotic aftermath of 9-11, it allows Washington to demand the extradition of any UK Citizen - without evidence of any crime - and Britain is bound to comply. But, as RT's Ivor Bennet reports from London, patience is running low.

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  • Stephen Hawking, author of the Big Bang theory dies at 76

    London (UK), Mar 14 (EFE/EPA). British physicist Stephen Hawking died on Wednesday at the age of 76 at his home in Cambridge in the United Kingdom, his family said in a statement.
    Keywords: efe,epa,uk,obituary,stephen,hawking,nomonetizar

    Ver video "Stephen Hawking, author of the Big Bang theory dies at 76"

  • Recordando: Video promocional de Caracas realizado por norteamericanos en 1969

    Norteamericanos quedaron sorprendidos al conocer Caracas en 1969, una de las ciudades más modernas del continente para la época. Decidieron trasladar un pesado equipo de grabación a la capital venezolana para realizar el video. La pieza fue llamada "London in Caracas" y muestra espacios del centro comercial Chacaíto, Sabana Grande y más.

    Video original de British Pathé

    Ver video "Recordando: Video promocional de Caracas realizado por norteamericanos en 1969"

  • UK government to offer MPs chance to rule out no-deal Brexit, extend talks

    London, Feb 26 (EFE/EPA). Lawmakers in the United Kingdom will get a chance to vote on whether to extend the Brexit negotiation period or take a no-deal outcome out of the equation should the government fail to secure enough backing for its unpopular withdrawal agreement, the prime minister said Tuesday.

    Ver video "UK government to offer MPs chance to rule out no-deal Brexit, extend talks"

  • Britain contemplates taking legal action against Spain due to increase in security measures on borde

    Londres/Madrid, Aug (EFE), (Camera: Andrés Carrasco).- The British government will contemplate taking legal action against Spain for the increase in police control on the country's border with Gibraltar, according to a government spokesperson. London has put this plan into movement due to Spain's failure to withdraw additional border control units which are currently slowing down traffic coming on and off the island.

    Ver video "Britain contemplates taking legal action against Spain due to increase in security measures on borde"

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